address resolution protocol|address resolution protocol in English

protocol which supplies addresses to workstations on a local area network

Use "address resolution protocol|address resolution protocol" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "address resolution protocol|address resolution protocol" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "address resolution protocol|address resolution protocol", or refer to the context using the word "address resolution protocol|address resolution protocol" in the English Dictionary.

1. Internet protocol address resolution

2. Advantageously uses Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages.

3. Address resolution protocol-based wireless access point

4. Multicast-enabled address resolution protocol (me-arp)

5. Utilization of gratuitous address resolution protocol for mobility support

6. System and method for handling address resolution protocol requests

7. Method and apparatus for configuring address resolution protocol entry

8. Configuration of forwarding rules using the address resolution protocol

9. Address resolution protocol (arp) table entry configuration method and device

10. A Multicast-Enabled Address Resolution Protocol (ME-ARP) is disclosed.

11. RFC 826 - Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol, Internet Standard STD 37.

12. ARP; Address Resolution Protocol protocole de résolution d'adresse (n.m.); ARP (n.m.)

13. An Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table is updated based on the binding.

14. Each IP identity has its own ARP cache and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

15. Think of it as a weaponized tablet preloaded with address resolution protocol spoofing.

16. The Inverse Address Resolution Protocol, also known as Inverse ARP or InARP, is a protocol used for obtaining Layer 3 addresses (e.g.

17. RARP; Reverse Address Resolution Protocol protocole RARP (n.m.) protocolo de resolución de dirección de retorno (n.m.)

18. The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is one way to tell your client what IP address to use for itself. Another way is to use the BOOTP protocol.

19. As the node address is usually identical to the MAC address of the network adapter, the Address Resolution Protocol is not needed in IPX.

20. The address resolution protocol will repopulate the cache from traffic it snoops and from new requests.

21. Doing so will disable the netloop device, which prevents Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) monitoring from failing during the address transfer process.

22. System and method for providing a congestion optimized address resolution protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks

23. A method and apparatus for configuring an address resolution protocol entry are disclosed in the present invention.

24. A logic unit performs protocol conversion, address resolution, policy enforcement/definition and publishing operations on the WS traffic.

25. A method for link fault detecting and recovering based on the address resolution protocol (ARP) interaction is provided.